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Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium

Recent Comments

  1. about 16 hours ago on Chip Bok

    A perfect reflection of Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria. The democrats have come into their Marxist philosophy with this.

  2. about 22 hours ago on ViewsAsia

    I don’t get this, who is that supposed to be.

  3. about 22 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Yeah, I dropped deNiro from my viewing list many years ago, even his older stuff. To tell the truth IMHO he was a fairly good actor, just not my cup of tea. But when he went overboard with his hateful, vindictive political speeches, some of which I found to be personally insulting, I figured I could do without his abuse. Anyway he’s got all his left wing Hollywood elitist buddies to support him and certainly doesn’t need my viewership. I also think he leads a bit of a cloistered life being surrounded by like minded lefties giving each other feedback supporting his worldview. This was evident when he went on his tirade outside President Trumps courthouse. He seemed genuinely surprised and shocked at getting heckled by Trump supporters and being called anti American.

  4. about 23 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Ahahah, good one FJB.

  5. about 23 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    I dropped you from my regular viewing list long ago. Not a fan off your art, I find your depiction of President Trump distorted and disturbing. The topics of your ‘toons are inaccurate with a gross left wing bias that I usually find offensive. Plus I don’t want to give you and most other left wing artists any hits. That said, I occasionally drop in to see if you’ve changed at all. You, M2Bulls and Luckovich are the only lefties I bother with and then only about once a month.

  6. 1 day ago on Chip Bok

    “Show me the man and I’ll show the crime.” Said, Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria. This perfectly reflects the mindset of the Marxist left wing Democrats today. They’re using Federal Agencies and the court system to persecute their political opponents. They used the FISA court to hamper President Trumps first term taking three years and spending over $43 million using the Steele Dossier which they knew was Russian disinformation. All for nothing. The Democrats are using all of the tactics straight out of Marx’s Communist Manifesto and are leading the USA down the path of a socialist dictatorship with them at the helm.

    The only way to stop this is to vote for President Trump and vote red across the board for the House and Senate and all offices at the state level.

  7. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson

    “Red Leader to Blue Wing, Stay on topic…stay on topic.”

    Typical left wing Marxist tactic, divert away when you can’t reply with meaningful comment on the topic. Also a minor violation of GC rules. I know that President Trump lives rent free in the minds of the left, but this ‘toon isn’t about him. This is about Gavin Newsom walking into the California Governor’s office with billions in surplus and spending the state into a $45 billion deficit. This is the guy who will no doubt be in the presidential run in 2028. But, his job performance, competency and fiscal mismanagement doesn’t matter. He’s got nice hair and most important to the left, he’s got a big “D” by his name.

  8. 1 day ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Obama’s deal, with Iran did not prohibit them from developing nuclear weapons. All it did was to limit the number of centrifuges for ten years and the level of enrichment for 15 years. What the agreement did was to kick Irans nuclear football down the road so it wouldn’t happen on his watch. What Iran got was the lifting of a lot of sanctions. All the restrictions sunsetted after ten to fifteen years. Of course Iran cheated within a year and did not allow agreed upon UN inspections into their facilities. There were no restrictions at all about developing other weapon system such as ICBMs capable of delivering a nuke. When President Trump got into office he found that Iran had basically violated all of the agreement , so he slapped the sanctions back on Iran. This slashed Irans yearly income from about $100 billion to around $3 billion. This also dried up the funds supporting terrorists such as Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS ETC.

  9. 2 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Obama’s deal, with Iran did not prohibit them from developing nuclear weapons. All it did was to limit the number of centrifuges for ten years and the level of enrichment for 15 years. What the agreement did was to kick Irans nuclear football down the road so it wouldn’t happen on his watch. What Iran got was the lifting of a lot of sanctions. All the restrictions sunsetted after ten to fifteen years. Of course Iran cheated within a year and did not allow agreed upon UN inspections into their facilities. There were no restrictions at all about developing other weapon system such as ICBMs capable of delivering a nuke. When President Trump got into office he found that Iran had basically violated all of the agreement , so he slapped the sanctions back on Iran. This slashed Irans yearly income from about $100 billion to around $3 billion. This also dried up the funds supporting terrorists such as Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS ETC.

  10. 2 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    You do realize that ‘Tonto’ is Spanish for ‘foolish’ or ‘stupid’. As a kid I was watching the Lone Ranger over at a friends house and when Jay Silverheels character appeared and was referred to by his name Tonto, my friends Hispanic grandmother busted out laughing. When I asked why, he told me what the name means in Spanish.