Screenshot 2021 03 16 chinook

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  1. about 2 hours ago on B.C.

    YES ………….. Like putting glue on your pizza …. ;O

  2. about 2 hours ago on Bear with Me

    Bear …… “BEAR” ……… “B E A R” …… get a hold of yourself ….. calm down ……….. first of all …… You’re squeezing Molly …… and Secondly …….. Goofy is just “SO” surprised to see you ….. ;)

  3. about 2 hours ago on Marmaduke

    Marm ………….. You’re a "VERY’ popular guy ……. maybe you had better …….. soundproof your Dog House ……… ;)

  4. about 3 hours ago on Red and Rover

    Don’t worry ……. Rover ……………. Red will take you with him …….. if he gets abducted ………… ;)

  5. about 3 hours ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Got you on the run now …… Horace …………… and by the looks …… “DON’T” Stop …………… :)

  6. about 3 hours ago on Fred Basset

    Fred …….. Make sure that you get that out of your paw ……. you don’t want infection to set in ….. ;)

  7. about 3 hours ago on Big Top

    Time to replace the board …… in the mean time ….. just lean forward and give a little spring and you “SHOULD” be launched ……… if the board doesn’t break …… ;)

  8. about 3 hours ago on Pickles

    Keeps fleas & Ticks off ……. I use to give Chinook some garlic (1/2 a clove) every day, in a meatball and he lived to 15 years old ……. ;)

  9. about 4 hours ago on Peanuts

    Snoopy ……………… You were pretty “LUCKY” that the bird bath was there …………….. probably if it had a bit more water ….. Would have been nice ….. ;)

  10. about 4 hours ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    I remember the first computer, for business, I got a TANDY 1000 …… had a guy come out to make a program that did a lot of calculations for the project, that I had a contract for …………. well he did the programming and awhile later I had to change a couple of calculations, called him and now he was too busy and it would cost about double …… so I told him that I’d get back to him ….. dug out the Manuel, looked up how to do or change the calculations ……. I thought, this can’t be right …… he had a long, loooooong program line ……………. the Manuel showed this short, a few steps program ……. after that I “DID” refer to the Manuel and have been doing my own programing ….. ;)