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  1. about 9 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Well said. “Rose on Crack” has certainly drunk the orange Kool-Aid. They probably eat pudding with their fingers like governor desatan as well.

  2. about 16 hours ago on Luann

    Hmmmm, “shrinkage” like George Costanza experienced in the Hamptons but without having to swim in a cold pool to acquire said condition.

  3. about 17 hours ago on Luann Againn

    The G-Man get to first base but unlike Meatloaf he does not get to 2nd or 3rd base this time (or actually ever until he dates Bets). Sorry baseball fans, Gunther is not getting to home plate in this arc.

  4. about 17 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    True, maybe some Ramen noodles and that potted meat in a can, you know that stuff they make at meat canning companies after they have processed the dog food. Urban legend is that Jimmy Hoffa could have met a fate like this and ended up at the meat packing plant if he did not end up as gator chum in the Glades or in a barrel dumped out in the Gulf Stream. Could make a good Vice episode, perhaps one of those butchers in Hialeah are not just grinding up carne de puerco for their Cuban chorizo. Switech goes undercover to learn the truth (no way Sonny or Tubbs could pass for a journeyman butcher looking for work)……

  5. about 17 hours ago on Luann

    True but he might be hard to get rid of, like gum stuck on your shoe…….

  6. about 18 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Hey Lisa, we do not have all those homeless encampments in Florida. You know why? Our governor, DeSatan encourages law enforcement to use a heavy hand with those who have been displaced by the insane cost of simply renting a place to live and have been evicted. The cops destroy all these tents and other encampments every chance they get. They lock people up for vagrancy. Now that Walmart are not 24 hours, cops cruise their parking lots to harass those who sleep and live in their cars, ditto for other places such rest areas. Basically we have a far right governor who has no empathy for those homeless and down on their luck. The law enforcement and criminal justice conglomerate enjoys arresting and fining these people for simply try to find a place to sleep at night. It is a bad situation and as expenses rise as wages stagnate in this right to work state where the governor encourages companies like Amazon and other big conglomerates to hire temporary employees on a trial basis for less than full time hours and cutting them loose instead of hiring the full time and giving out a living wage and benefits. Other companies with less than stellar labor practices: Hobby Lobby, Walmart, as well as the whole farm labor conglomerate here in FL which does not allow the workers to unionize and pays draconian wages with few benefits to its hard workers.

  7. about 19 hours ago on Luann

    Maybe she meets a hot EMT who arrives on scene or even a young doctor if they take Mrs. H to the ER.

  8. about 19 hours ago on Luann


  9. about 19 hours ago on Luann

    I can see it now: in a few weeks Luann will discover she has a secret admirer, Vale. First he sends her flowers, then he gets a little more bold and brazen like a stalker in training. I was hoping Luann would meet a nice EMT or even a young doctor who becomes interested in Luann when they realize how she really helped Mrs H but it looks like she just inherited Vale as a fan of hers.

  10. 2 days ago on Clay Jones

    Small hands = small appendages on a different part of one’s body. Stormy said her “interaction” with the Trumpster was very short but I wonder if she was only referring to the amount of time or could she have been alluding to something else (as well as seeing the orange tyrant in “action” is probably like seeing someone try to play pool with a small piece of rope).