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Richard S Russell Premium

A lefty (both senses) SF fan retired from a career in public service, currently living in Madison, Wisconsin, a state so wonderful people are willing to put up with the winters just to live here.

Recent Comments

  1. about 9 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Closer to the case here than in almost any other comic strip ever (except maybe Gasoline Alley). Blondie’s been ~40 forever.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Monty

    Yeah, it pays just a notch above minimum wage (unskilled work, after all), and it’s very much an intermittent job, but I’m retired, so it’s really kind of bonus money. I think of it as my acting career. And I like to believe that I bring some insights to the game during the debriefing after each exam, so I feel I’m doing good.

    I’m sure that med schools all across the country employ the same system, so you could just inquire of the one closest to you.

  3. about 20 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    @FJB Harrison Butker’s commencement address told all the young female college grads in the audience that they were only fit for cooking, cleaning, popping out lots of babies, and in general doing everything possible to please the men in their lives. He deserved all the crap that rained down on him for that attitude, but there’s some left over for anyone who thinks he had a point that didn’t come straight out of the Middle Ages or The Handmaid’s Tale.

  4. about 20 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Along the same lines, hover your cursor over the little number to the right of the heart to see who else thinks that was a good comment. I think it’s probably the same guy who shares a cot with the OP in the Kremlin’s troll cellar.

  5. about 21 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Cool! Thanks!

  6. about 21 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    But where are all the crazy ladies? And Tiny Gym?

  7. about 21 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Simple, you say. Reminds me of the ironic aphorism “For any given complex, expensive, time-consuming problem there exists at least one simple, cheap, easy wrong answer.”

  8. about 21 hours ago on Monty

    Yeah, it’s medicine, after all. Really important to use the technically proper terminology!

  9. about 21 hours ago on Monty

    I serve as a standardized patient at the local medical school, so the med students get to practice their newly learned skills on me. However, I’m substandard in one particular way, namely that I have very poor patellar reflex in my right knee, the one that’s been replaced with an artificial joint. But I rationalize it by saying to myself that eventually the aspiring docs are going to have to learn that there are in fact differences in the ways different people react to the test. And they certainly can find out if it’s their technique that’s at fault when they go to my left knee, for which I have to warn them not to have their faces too close to my foot.

  10. about 21 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    Any significance to the kid’s sash being the colors of the Ukrainian flag?