
moosemin Free

I love reading History. I find it more fascinating than most fiction. Although a registered Independent voter, my political and social views lean to a conservative outlook. Both major political parties are, in my opinion, totally bankrupt in ideals and intent. Both pull too far in their respective direction, and all have sold themselves to the highest bidders. A New England Yankee, I have great admiration for the founders of our nation. The early ones, Washington, Adams Jefferson and others put their lives on the line. Add Madison, Franklin and more. We are most fortunate that our Revolution/Rebellion was organized and led by educated, enlightened men (not to forget Abigail and some other uncelebrated women) who thought far into the future, and it took other men like Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR to maintain the hopes & dreams of millions. France's Revolution started well, but was taken over by lesser men, and fell into the Reign of Terror, and the Guillotine. Russia suffered Lenin & Trotsky. We were luckier! I cannot get through the day without reading the Comics. Regular comics first, then the Political 'toons. Unemployed for 35 months, I finally landed a good position with a good company! However, now I have less time to comment, (a relief to some) and less time to read other comments. Just typing out my gripes & diatribes gives me a feeling of being a little less helpless, and I feel better having said it. Sometimes I goof. I do like reading other comments: occasionally I learn something.

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I disagree with you on your last sentence. If this gang manages to get the WH and both Houses of congress, you will see a sudden deluge of “meaningful” legislation. They, and IT have made no secrets about what they intend to do!

  2. about 10 hours ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Wlcome to my nocturnal world, Malcom.

  3. about 10 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    As Special Envoy to China, appointed by Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush hammered out some sort of agreement with Mao’s China. Followed soon by Nixon’s historic visit and reconciliation. Although this move was primarily intended to take advantage of China’s differences with the USSR, what other agreements were made? Later, when NAFTA and GATT were shoved down our throats, a great exodus of American jobs headed toward China (and other foreign lands). Even then, I wondered why we were sacrificing so much to make China economically stronger. But the answer is, of course, PROFITS!Now, certain realities must be faced.

  4. about 10 hours ago on John Deering

    More and more, Alito is seeming to be our Joseph Goebbels. The malignant dwarf was also responsible for many of the laws of the Nazi regime.

  5. about 10 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Although the dems have their extremes too, how can anyone hate them so much that they would choose to vote republican? Can one imagine what kind of situations will arise if the “republicans” capture the WH and both houses? They have made no secret of what they want to do, and it will be a frightening dismantling of our system of governance, and these very people will regret they did so within only a year or two.

  6. 1 day ago on Robert Ariail

    Judging by your Avatar, I should think that the last thing you want to see is a bucket of water!

  7. 1 day ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Hobbes, did you attack the thieves the way you attack Calvin when he gets home from school?

  8. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    “It is not without sadness that we bid adieu to the Constitution of 1872. It made France a free country. It died less from its imperfections than from the fault of men who were charged with guarding it and making it work.” A French senator in 1940, after the French Assembly scrapped their Constitution and the Republic, and set up an autocratic government under octogenarian Philippe Petain and Pierre Laval, aping Mussolini’s & Hitler’s regimes.

  9. 1 day ago on Robert Ariail

    Not to worry. By 2070, most of that state will be underwater.

  10. 2 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Come ON, a lot of you posting above! Just enjoy the on-going lives of the Patterson’s & friends. I do, EVERY DAY.