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Recent Comments

  1. 19 days ago on B.C.

    my daughter was getting report card last year. I could see all her classes and grades online. Called a portal. And now she does FLVS and gets grades. Online

  2. 25 days ago on Matt Bors

    Guns are just a tool. I hunted as a young man. I own a gun but never play with it. What I get from most ammo sexuals is they need the gun when the “govt. come for them” I think there is a reason for people to have guns. Even for protection. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD we must keep guns from the crazy bastrdds that would shoot up schools or public places. Surely we can do a better job of regulating gun ownership. If my child was killed it in a mass shooting I would not want to live but would spend the rest of my life trying to get some common sense laws passed. Politicians are bought and sold now by the NRA and the gun lobby. You are a real American if you love guns. IT is the TWilight Zone now.

  3. 28 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    i just like the ones with dad the best. What a great job at times.

  4. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    Truly sad what has happened to my Florida. Born and raised here. 4th generation. Still is beautiful in a few parts that have not been sold to the highest bidder.

  5. 3 months ago on Lucky Cow

    a feel good comic today. I love it.

  6. 5 months ago on B.C.

    Almost Charles Schultz like today. Charlie could say more in a panel than most philosophers or prophets or historians could say in a chapter. This is a message the entire world needs to hear.

  7. 5 months ago on B.C.

    whooooosh………..over the head.