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  1. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    Please remember the people giving evidence in his trials are HIS PEOPLE. People he picked. People he assigned criminal tasks (quite a few have already confesses their crimes in criminal courts!). How can all the subordinates be guilty and the “boss” be innocent?

  2. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    He is a coward. He is a bully, but he is also a coward. He can dish it out, but he cannot take it.

  3. 1 day ago on Nick Anderson

    Yes, the people giving evidence against the liar in chief are all his people! It’s true in all his trials. There are no democrats giving evidence; all the witnesses against the would-be-dictator are HIS picked people, and you will notice a large number of them have already admitted their criminal acts in behalf of furthering his crimes.

  4. 7 days ago on M2Bulls

    She honestly didn’t think. She couldn’t imagine anyone reacting negatively, only they would think of her as a macho decision maker. Isn’t that what macho, strong, leadership types do? Take a puppy to the rockpile to murder it? Do you think she tied it to something so it would hold still? Was she thinking about her children? (“Oh, my children will be SO proud of me for killing their dog”) Killing helpless pets for fun and profit? (“It’ll make such a good note in my book”)

  5. 7 days ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    And to make matters even worse, the governor of Texas didn’t want Mexicans to have that land anymore. He couldn’t quite say it out loud and all, but he would be really happy to have the new settlers coming into the captured lands to move on to, or take over the “new” land for his eager settlers. After all, hadn’t the Texans “captured” it all fair and square?

    What a conundrum! The Mexican government had been playing political games with the governor of Texas for years, but there was another part of Mexico, Baja Mexico, where a different political party had also been playing games with the governor of Texas. The governor of Texas was a shrewd politician and benefitted from keeping Mexico and Baja Mexico from joining in a common effort to find a better way to deal with Texas, and they failed to find ways to build a better economy, a better life, and a better political protections for their people. Essentially, Mexico and Baja were the nails, and Texas was the hammer.

    You don’t build a successful society, or country, or community, or family with just hammers and and nails. What brought this current war is not only the fault of Baja, or Mexico, it also is the fault of the governor of Texas. And killing more civilians, women and children, is not going to end it.

    But, the killing will never be over until the governor stops manipulating the situation for his own benefit.

  6. 7 days ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    No one really likes to stick their head up for criticism, but sometimes it’s too much to ignore. I, for one, have always been an admirer and supporter for the state of Israel. I was all gung-ho for the two state solution so both Israeli and Palestinians could share the land and get justice because both had what we in America call inalienable rights to the land they shared and those rights could be adjudicated so that both had rights, and the freedom to have self-determination. Meaning, the Jews and Palestinian citizens of Israel would have their land, free of interference of the Palestinians who would have the same freedom and rights on their cities, counties, and personally owned land. Sort of like living in Texas next to Mexico.

    But because Texas had once been part of Mexico, zealots from Mexico were stirred up to go back and try to retake San Antonio. Multiple times. They even got help from Cuba, and Nicaragua, and other Latin American countries who sent their armies to help retake the Alamo.

    Alas, the fighters from Mexico came up short every time, even with the help from other countries. Those Texans were tough! But a worse thing happened: The Texans occupied the Northern Mexico territories and started building settlements for Texans, and lording in over the Mexicans, treating them like prisoners of war rather than masters of Mexico. Yeah, they treated those Mexicans like none of us would want to be treated.

  7. 10 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    The corrupt Supremes are not going to create an immunity clause for the past president. They are just going to create enough delay to let him off the hook. This has to be fixed by people voting blue all up and down the ticket, then passing laws in Congress to fix the court, give women back their rights, and make it for ALL Americans. The Bill of Rights applies to all states. So should voting rights, and personal freedoms.

  8. 13 days ago on Clay Bennett

    We need a big enough change to blue in November to be able to establish laws to correct the voting rights act, the composition of the supreme court to take away the advantage of the corrupt “conservative” six, to establish women’s rights in their health care choices, and to make the needed changes at the border. And, once and for all, we need to be able to finish the trials against Trump and his co-conspirators. Each and every one of those involved in the attempted coup against our Constitution needs to be punished for their misdeeds. And their needs to be changes made in the accountability of the justices on the Supreme Court. When the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice makes half a million $$$ as a coup activist and voting rights conspirator, that justice needs to retire as a basic step toward the viability of the court.

  9. 13 days ago on Clay Bennett

    It looks like the Supremes are looking for a way to let him off the hook… either by looking for an excuse for saying what the Constitution does NOT say, or by delay, delay, delay…

  10. 20 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    Just a reminder they have no interest at all in doing what they were elected to do. Their only interest is getting on Fox “news” (better known as disinformation central) or some other “know nothing” reporting channel.