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  1. about 15 hours ago on B.C.

    “What’s a hen weigh?”

    Probably nothing. A hen has feathers, not scales.

  2. 1 day ago on Reality Check

    “He needs red and yellow cards.”

    Who’s going to suffer from carditis?

  3. 1 day ago on Reality Check

    “Grabbers ! They hold on to your arm , I figure it’s because they are afraid you are going to walk away if they don’t.”

    It’s been a very long time since anybody tried that with me. And nobody ever did it twice.

  4. 1 day ago on Shoe

    “Depends if you are dealing with Euclidean space or hyper spatial non-Euclidean space!”

    Eu R clidding me!

  5. 1 day ago on Rubes

    “The Compost bins are green, Recycling in the blue bin, and Garbage in the black bin, here in town.”

    How many bears in your town?

  6. 1 day ago on Reality Check

    “I don’t think any of us enjoy having our personal space invaded.”

    I don’t seem to have a paranoid concept of “my space”… unless it’s someone invading my home. But if you deliberately touch me without my invitation or prior consent… beware!

  7. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    Who’s the genie-us?

  8. 1 day ago on Peanuts

    “I’m not touching that with a ten foot poll.”

    A poll that only asks five people is invalid.

  9. 1 day ago on Close to Home

    “I wouldn’t tell Bleeb that, if I were you!!!”

    I wasn’t planning to.

  10. 1 day ago on Jack Ohman

    “How do you draw farts coming out the other end?”

    You don’t need to draw them out. They come out without external assistance.