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  1. 20 days ago on FoxTrot

    So it sounds impressive but what you’re basically doing is using loans to build more things (business, houses, office buildings) then you can take out additional loans on the things you build and pay off the first loan. You can also buy and sell other types of assets and use clever accounting to show a loss over here to offset any gains over there.

  2. about 1 month ago on Lisa Benson

    Some people think the 2020 election was “stolen” in the traditional sense – ballot stuffing, mysterious boxes at 3 AM, that kind of thing. There’s no evidence of that.

    Others, when they call it stolen, just have to point to “Russia gate”, one-sided media, ballot harvesting, a show impeachment. Constant media bias. Deep state liars who through texts talk about how they’ll get him. This time it’s “I’m gonna get Trump” prosecutions in an attempt to bankrupt his campaign and million dollar judgements for “crimes” without a victim. Weird that they all just seem to be coming around at the same time, even though so of his “crimes” are decades old.

    I’ve heard people who don’t like Trump say they’ll hold their nose now and vote for him now because it’s so blatantly obvious.

  3. about 2 months ago on Berkeley Mews

    “Deja” … “vu”

  4. 2 months ago on Speed Bump

    I have a friend who thinks A.I. is the culmination of the forbidden fruit and therefore will be the end of humanity. I have a different theory. God gave us free will to choose to learn or to remain ignorant. We chose to learn. Our scientific discoveries bring us closer to knowing Him each generation. And that once we’ve learned all we can, generations from now, He will reveal Himself to us, and speak to us as a parent to their adult child. Anyway, it’s a nice thought.

  5. 2 months ago on Invisible Bread

    I’m from Texas and heat is nothing new. I once traveled to another state, and there was a Thai restaurant in the hotel I was staying. I asked the server how hot they ran, she said not too bad. So I ordered something, medium spice. They completely ruined the meal with the spice levels. I couldn’t even taste the underlying dish. I’m 90% they were having a laugh at the “American”, watching my reaction. I was there long-term and never ate there again.

  6. 3 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

    Mark Twain (maybe)

  7. 4 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Biden was the only person in the room to NOT want to move forward on the capture/kill of Bin Laden. He’s the “we better not” president.

  8. 4 months ago on Speed Bump

    “All work and no play makes Jack a good boy. Who’s a good boy? Jack, that’s who. Good boy”

  9. 5 months ago on Monty

    This was all years ago. My local college had a mascot of a Native American tribe that died out a century earlier. The local Native American tribes, descendants of the mascot one, didn’t find it offensive. They were active in the training the person portraying the mascot in making sure he (sometimes she) understood the significance and gravity of his portrayal. The campus would pay homage to Native American culture constantly.

    Some student organization – not even Native American – deemed it offensive and lobbied for over a decade to get rid of the mascot and any imagery. They found another Native American tribe a state away say it was offensive and sue, even though they weren’t the descendants of the original tribe. Eventually the college got tired of fighting it and gave in. Sad that all that history and culture is now just a historians footnote.

  10. 7 months ago on Invisible Bread

    That’s insane to me. Unless it’s disrupting work, i.e. you’re a barista who has to take orders or you’re in constant round table discussions, headphones are a great way to block out unwanted noise and concentrate. I wouldn’t get half the stuff done I do without being able to block out my neighbors’ constant chitter-chatter.