
moosemin Free

I love reading History. I find it more fascinating than most fiction. Although a registered Independent voter, my political and social views lean to a conservative outlook. Both major political parties are, in my opinion, totally bankrupt in ideals and intent. Both pull too far in their respective direction, and all have sold themselves to the highest bidders. A New England Yankee, I have great admiration for the founders of our nation. The early ones, Washington, Adams Jefferson and others put their lives on the line. Add Madison, Franklin and more. We are most fortunate that our Revolution/Rebellion was organized and led by educated, enlightened men (not to forget Abigail and some other uncelebrated women) who thought far into the future, and it took other men like Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR to maintain the hopes & dreams of millions. France's Revolution started well, but was taken over by lesser men, and fell into the Reign of Terror, and the Guillotine. Russia suffered Lenin & Trotsky. We were luckier! I cannot get through the day without reading the Comics. Regular comics first, then the Political 'toons. Unemployed for 35 months, I finally landed a good position with a good company! However, now I have less time to comment, (a relief to some) and less time to read other comments. Just typing out my gripes & diatribes gives me a feeling of being a little less helpless, and I feel better having said it. Sometimes I goof. I do like reading other comments: occasionally I learn something.

Recent Comments

  1. about 15 hours ago on Phil Hands

    I did not claim that Christianity, Jewry, Protestantism or any other religious group, race or nationality hasn’t done the same at some point in history. But after reading historical books and accounts for over 50 years, including parts of the Quoran, Mohammed gained his converts by the point of the sword; literally. Not a bad life if you’re a man, not quite so good if your a woman. Definitely not good for a Jew. So many Islamics have come to live in the U.S. now, they are starting to feel their strength, and hubris, by chanting “Death to America!” in plain sight. They do not seem to want to be an American, and not melting into the pot.

  2. about 15 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    You don’t read, do you?

  3. about 16 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    And like France then.

  4. about 16 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    With all the gerrymandering, voter list purgings, new state laws allowing governors (in Repub states) to set aside results, voter suppression laws and obstacles, and a republican SCOTUS, your last sentence is not necessarily factual.

  5. about 16 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Geezer is having a lot of fun on posting here. And he has his right to do so. Even spreading falsehoods in protected by the First Amendment, and the present SCOTUS will defend his right to scream FIRE! in a crowded theater.

  6. about 18 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Including SCOTUS?

  7. about 18 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Flash has a perfect right, and cause to comment on our actions. Pierre Trudeau’s comment about Canada living next to an elephant speaks more than even he realized. WE have the republican elephant taking over our living rooms! Much of what this country does, internally or internationally, can have great effects on our northern neighbor, more than it would Mexico.

  8. about 18 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    We got this? WHAT?!?

  9. about 18 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Yes, you are correct! VOTE. Get out of the house, condo, apt, tent, and VOTE! But don’t forget, Johncom, that many rules get changed, bent or broken more regularly this last decade or so, favoring one side BIGLY: The Billionaire-Investor class!

  10. about 18 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    The “Game” is power & money.