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  1. over 11 years ago on Frazz

    I think the idea is to build your muscle cells when young, including your heart, and maintain them. I’m 63 yrs. young, ran 4 yrs track and 3 yrs. x country, little league and babe ruth league baseball, 19 yrs. premier league amateur soccer until work related back surgery stopped me at 39, then took up xc skiing up to 12 miles a day on hilly trails and backpacking. I rarely get a cold or flu, my physicals show excellent B.P. and blood tests with low 60’s pulse. I played an 8 game 16 and up soccer league this fall and got in shape to keep up and play on the field and a mean goalie for half of each game. I’m younger than half my 40 up out of shape, overwheight, diabetic wheezing, co-workers. Muscles, use them or loose them!