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bwest.devore37 Free

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  1. about 3 hours ago on Family Tree

    I know more than you apparently. They were not legal immigrants they were illegal immigrants.

    If it helps you sleep at night under the delusion that they are all legal then fine, sleep well.

    Biden is doing catch and release. Cases are backlogged.

    Really whatever floats your boat.

  2. 1 day ago on Family Tree

    They all presented the proper paperwork to come into the country. They all came in at designated ports of entry. Sorry but without the proper paperwork, as soon as the crossed the border, they are considered as illegal immigrants.

    I guess all the people that border patrol did not catch were legal immigrants as well.

    Then why did Biden fly them to other states in the middle of the night?

    I believe that you don’t know what you are talking about.

  3. 1 day ago on Family Tree

    yes they were. Biden planed them all over the States in the middle of the night. sorry that you can’t face reality. All 5.1 were not legal immigrants.

    You’re taking in too much democrat kool-aid.

  4. 2 days ago on Family Tree

    yes deporting 520,000 out of 5.1 illegals is not an eyepopping number for deportations. Immigration laws are being ignored an enforced. Then you Biden flying illegals all over America in the middle of the night is not right.

  5. 2 days ago on Family Tree

    They should not be here in the first place. We’ve had a system in place to legally to get into the country for decades they should use it. Millions of other immigrants used it, it works.

    Jump to conclusions much. Show me where I said anything about executing them. You must be a democrat.

    Not many are vetted, they come with no paperwork.

  6. 2 days ago on Family Tree

    Biden over 3 1/2 years has raised the National debt almost 6.25 Trillion dollars. By the time he is out of office, he will have exceeded what Trump added to the National debt.

  7. 2 days ago on Family Tree

    In a pigs eye are they vetted.

    then explain the 8 million that he let into the country. When will they be deported?

  8. 3 days ago on Family Tree

    Democrats protect illegal immigrants. Republicans serve America’s citizens.

  9. 3 days ago on Family Tree

    yeah but democrats would have given it to illegal immigrants.

  10. 3 days ago on Moderately Confused

    Every human life matters. There is more black on black killings than there are white on black killings. As long as you explain it to the family members who’s son and daughters lives were snuffed out by Biden’s careless actions.