
DawnQuinn1 Free

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  1. about 2 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Doors can be repaired. Training can give good habits.

  2. about 2 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Barking is a natural way for dogs to communicate. That is how they express their needs. Learning is what different types of barking mean, just as how their tale wags means if they are angry, sad, scared, or want to play. You can teach them to not bark in certain situations, but do not discourage all baking. It is a defense mechanism. One way for them to say “Lets play” or “Back off, I don’t know you”BTW, here is a hint. NEVER allow dogs to meet on leash. If they do not like each other, they have two choices … fight or flight… on leash they do not have one of those options. Have them meet at a dog park where they can avoid each other if needed.

  3. about 2 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    It is the owner who needs to recognize the need for a dog to go outside to do it’s business. A regular schedule helps the dog, yet sometimes we need to recognize the need for extra times out. Take them out right after feeding them, of they drink a lot. Dogs have only one way to let you know. Barking. If they scratch at the door, they are trying to tell you something. The first time they do it, do not reprimand them, just take them out and when the pee or poo, praise them. If they do it again, say “NO!” firmly but calmly, and take them out.Puppies are hardest to train, yet can be easier, for two reasons. 1) They are a blank slate, not into bad habits 2) They WANT to learn, because they desire your attention. Older dogs get in a pattern and it is hard to get them out of it.With a regular training the dog will see that they will go out and not need to let you know. They will know that if they do their business out doors, they will get praise, which they crave. They will learn that scratching the door will not get the result they expected, but going going to the door will be their signal to what they need and it is up to you to respond. They will train you as much as you train them. As they get older, some dogs will get incontinence. peeing then they don’t mean to, they cannot help it. If they make a mistake do not scold them. It is not their fault. Get doggie diapers.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Matt Bors

    In the vast majority of cases, people were shot for no reason other than someone THOUGHT they were in danger even when they weren’t, especially cops who shot when they were in no danger at all… like shooting a man in the back when he was turned away from them, empty arms in the air. The cop killed him instead of using a taser. Cops think they are justified in murdering someone just by saying “I felt my life was in danger”.. even when it wasn’t.

  5. about 2 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    Skunks themselves are NOT dangerous. They can spread rabies, but if left alone, you are not in danger. Keep your cat indoors, domesticated cats cannot defend themselves. Skunks can transmit rabies and should not be approached under any circumstances. Skunks are not going to chase you down or randomly attack you, but if they feel that their nest is in danger, they’ll defend their offspring by spraying, scratching, or biting.

  6. about 2 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    Possums are not pests. Opossum are not aggressive. Their open-mouthed, defensive hissing is merely a bluff to look vicious. And if that doesn’t work, they play dead when really scared. Far from being a nuisance, opossums can be beneficial for your garden by eating snails, slugs, insects and sometimes even small rodents.

  7. 1 day ago on Working Daze

    The force? The force of a ten pound sledge hammer on its metal head.

  8. 1 day ago on Heart of the City

    It is to keep them safe from being hit by cars drive by distracted drivers.

  9. 1 day ago on Edge City

    That is how most scam artists disappear. A new life, somewhere else, with YOUR money. He used a fake death to get away.

  10. 1 day ago on Arlo and Janis

    Janis is getting more hateful all the time. Where did the old lovable Janis go?