Ted Rall for August 18, 2008
Whether it's John Edwards or Eliot Spitzer, slutty liberal democrats are going down in flames. (Man: I was arrogant and dumb and dishonest and reckless but mostly horny.) Slutty republicans, on the other hand, keep on keeping on. (Man 2: My "wide stance" doesn't apply to gay rights-only gay men in airport bathrooms!) (Man 3: Candi? Just a very good friend!) Sex scandals, expose liberals' hypocrisy. Liberals' open minded tolerance for sexual promiscuity has to have a price. (Man 4: You expect scumbaggery from republicans) (woman: How could John Edwards be so reckless and horny?) Punishing right-wingers who abandon their families. Marry drug addicts and cheat would be to punish them for having high standards. (Man 5: Ok, I admit it... it's hard to draw cartoons as a right-winger)