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Al Fresco Free

Retired high school government teacher, high school, college, and public librarian, a world traveler, and a regular Fox News viewer. BA, MST, partial MEd, and MLS. Past resident of Oregon, Guam, Australia, Minnesota, and now Arizona. 6 yrs Naval Reserve. Voted mostly DEM since JFK, then GOP after Bill Clinton. A former member of the ACLU, the AFT and NEA unions. A matured liberal, ie. conservative and a Catholic. The world has changed, but my basic beliefs have not. I love satire, sarcasm, politics, talk radio, snarky humor, and reading historical fiction and the newspaper. I complete the NYT crossword puzzle daily. My essential TV news shows are “The Five” then “Gutfeld!” aired on FoxNews. I’m a White heterosexual fan of the cartoon “The Fusco Brothers” and my avatar is AL FUSCO, therefore Al Fresco. All Woke followers may address me by my preferred pronoun “YOU.” Mister or Sir is also acceptable.

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Correction: the ONLY president in American history.

  2. about 7 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Let’s say I’m running for public office and I park my campaign bus in a handicapped spot and forget to hang my handicapped tag on the rearview mirror. I finally return from making several speeches and kissing several babies, l return and there are 34 citations under my windshield wiper. Rather than fight it I write a check on my campaign account and enter it in my books as a legal expense. Am I in big trouble and may have committed 34 felonies? Only if I’m Donald Trump

  3. about 8 hours ago on Henry Payne

    How long until miracle worker Matt Colangelo returns to his former position or higher in Biden’s DOJ after his brief hiatus with Alvin Bragg’s prosecutorial team? Or maybe. he’ll move on to Atlanta and give Fani Willis a hand?

  4. about 9 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    If a higher court tosses the verdict due to one or more trial errors will you cry foul, the system is rigged?

  5. about 9 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    And who relinquished the office at the appointed time? I don’t recall Trump needing to be ejected. In January, will King Biden I go quietly into that dark night?

  6. about 9 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons


  7. 1 day ago on Mike Lester

    And what is your primary concern? 1) the rule of law, or 2) keeping Trump from becoming president again. I thought so. With Dems, the end justifies the means.

  8. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson

    Our justice system is the true embarrassment and the world knows it. It is something minorities or even those of us who have been hauled before traffic court know. There is no such thing as equal justice under law if you are black, hispanic, poor, or Trump.

  9. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson

    Who is the Democrat judge going to take advice from when determining the sentence? Certainly not Republicans. Trump will get the max to keep off the campaign trail. Anything to give Biden every crutch he needs to get him across the finish line. It is all politics, not justice.

  10. 1 day ago on Chip Bok

    If I was a defendant who believed himself to be innocent (or guilty for that matters). I’d do what my lawyers advise. As did Trump. Any fool knows that Trump is no coward, reckless and foolish, but not coward. He knows, annd everyone knows, there are some people who hate him so much that he might have painted a bulls eye on his forehead. If he should win or even threaten to win there are those plotting now to take him out as they did JFK, RFK, MLK, and attempts on the lives of other presidents. The Dem are desperate and will do ANYTHIING to get rid of Trump.