“Your mat is crooked. Let me straighten that out for you.”
The leg is quicker than the eye…
“Give me all your money or I’ll shoot you with this blow dryer!”
When showgirls go bad
He’ll stun you with his gas first, and if that doesn’t do it, THEN he’ll shoot you.
Back in the Day
Eric Scott
Doug K over 2 years ago
“Your mat is crooked. Let me straighten that out for you.”
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
The leg is quicker than the eye…
Grayhair, The Pirate Formerly Known as Tom Powell Premium Member over 2 years ago
“Give me all your money or I’ll shoot you with this blow dryer!”
C over 2 years ago
When showgirls go bad
briggs.roy078 over 2 years ago
He’ll stun you with his gas first, and if that doesn’t do it, THEN he’ll shoot you.