Kittenpah said, yesterday, “Edward Dmytryk was a real person, who really went to prison for contempt of congress for not naming names.”
So today we have Breathed making fun of efforts by academics in cinema studies to treat Hollywood moviemaking as high art.
Worth noting that in Raintree County, a Civil War drama, Taylor wore low-cut dresses that put her cleavage on display.
chuck_henebry over 11 years ago
Kittenpah said, yesterday, “Edward Dmytryk was a real person, who really went to prison for contempt of congress for not naming names.”
So today we have Breathed making fun of efforts by academics in cinema studies to treat Hollywood moviemaking as high art.
Worth noting that in Raintree County, a Civil War drama, Taylor wore low-cut dresses that put her cleavage on display.
thesnowleopard Premium Member over 11 years ago
This entire storyline never does get old, no matter how many times they repeat it. It’s such a great sendup of bad film critique.