Clayton: Ian's dad is so cool. Adam: How so? Clayton: Well... For starters, he has tattoos. Adam: Uh-oh. Let me stop you now. The answer to whatever's coming is "no." Clayton: Sigh. My creativity is being stifled. Adam: You'll get used to it. Find a hobby.
nosirrom over 10 years ago
“Sigh, my creativity is being stifled” Tats a shame!
MontanaLady over 10 years ago
His “creativity” will be spending some time in the time out corner!
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
To get a tattoo is on my “bucket list”. Not sure what it should be, or where..Any suggestions?
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
Well, legally he’s not old enough, so that’s the answer to that question.
Many years ago, hubby went on a business trip, and I went to a teeny-bopper store and got some rub-on tattoos. When he got into bed the fist night, he found a large rose, um, on my upper body. Poor man nearly fell off the bed. Snerk.
Retired Dude over 10 years ago
I once advised a nephew of mine who was in med school to become a dermatologist because in a few years there would be lots of people trying to get their tattoos removed once their bodies began to head south.
twj0729 over 10 years ago
Stationed at Camp LeJune, NC decided to get a tattoo in Jacksonville. Had an auto accident on the way, never did get the tattoo! Best accident I ever had!
rojroj over 10 years ago
Which circus did Ian’s dad escape from-Barnum & Bailey’s, USN or San Quentin?
scyphi26 over 10 years ago
It builds character, Clayton.
In other news, I personally never saw the appeal of tattoos, find them very unsightly, especially after they’re no longer fresh. It’s like graffiti for your body.
Dr_Fogg over 10 years ago
The man (?) said " having a tattoo is like putting a cheap bumper sticker on a Mercedes or Ferrari."