The funny thing is that this comic has been on the web for, um, lets just say a very long time. I think we owe the GoComics readers a round of applause for being the first to catch a very old mistake! Let’s hear it folks!
It’s kind of like a medical condition that’s gone undiagnosed for a decade (or am I taking my analogies too far again?)
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 10 years ago
That’s some friend. Everybody I’ve known since age 18 knows I love scotch. Nobody has thought to buy a pint as a gift.
christian1wb over 10 years ago
Niece … Still it’s funny.
Toonerific over 10 years ago
Well maybe you can find a little girlfriend to live in the doll’s house.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 10 years ago
oh my, typo’ed that one twice
katina.cooper over 10 years ago
Your niece wants to know why you only gave her one bottle.
Stephen Beals creator over 10 years ago
OK, alright. This will be fixed. My niece is going to be so disappointed, as soon as I get a niece.
policelimit Premium Member over 10 years ago
Her name is Denise. If it were a boy his name would be Da Nephew.
Stephen Beals creator over 10 years ago
The funny thing is that this comic has been on the web for, um, lets just say a very long time. I think we owe the GoComics readers a round of applause for being the first to catch a very old mistake! Let’s hear it folks!
It’s kind of like a medical condition that’s gone undiagnosed for a decade (or am I taking my analogies too far again?)
policelimit Premium Member over 10 years ago
I think we’re all missing the most important thing about this strip.TODD’S AWESOME PANTS!