Harvey might win a free iPad,in a drawing, but if the Doc has enough clients, uh, patients, fill their scripts, he will definitely end up on a nice all expense paid trip to a “continuing education conference” where the pool is warm, the drinks are cool, and the golf is free.
Plods with ...™ almost 10 years ago
Minor in business.
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 10 years ago
Harvey might win a free iPad,in a drawing, but if the Doc has enough clients, uh, patients, fill their scripts, he will definitely end up on a nice all expense paid trip to a “continuing education conference” where the pool is warm, the drinks are cool, and the golf is free.
scyphi26 almost 10 years ago
We sure this guy isn’t related to Berle in some manner?
Stephen Beals creator almost 10 years ago
Doctor Robert was, in fact, in a strip that I did many years before Berle, and a sort of predecessor. Good catch.