Hope something happened to get Pops re-instated in his new job that we all just missed. Otherwise this is going to be an expensive grocery shopping trip. Guess I’m old fashioned, but I rather pick out my own food at the grocery store anyway.
It ain’t gonna be pretty. Alex is the type who will bury the peak meter. If he gets hold of Joe or Joe’s company…Um-um-um, mud and shade will be flung, all the way to a lawyer’s office.
Kwen over 5 years ago
Emergency backup comics stock for some extended holydays, guys?Good one anyway.
danketaz Premium Member over 5 years ago
Too bad they aren’t in the money. Uh-oh!
BJIllistrated Premium Member over 5 years ago
Hope something happened to get Pops re-instated in his new job that we all just missed. Otherwise this is going to be an expensive grocery shopping trip. Guess I’m old fashioned, but I rather pick out my own food at the grocery store anyway.
FrankSF Premium Member over 5 years ago
The bubble’s about to burst. Pop still hasn’t had that talk with Dad.
BearHamilton over 5 years ago
It ain’t gonna be pretty. Alex is the type who will bury the peak meter. If he gets hold of Joe or Joe’s company…Um-um-um, mud and shade will be flung, all the way to a lawyer’s office.