Amanda the Great by Amanda El-Dweek for March 08, 2017

  1. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  almost 8 years ago

    Ninjy will type in that password just as soon as you start buying the more expensive cat food.

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  2. Yakko
    TheBigPickle  almost 8 years ago

    That’s funny… I had a black cat and named it Ninji, after a critter in Mario Bros 2.

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  3. Missing large
    banjinshiju  almost 8 years ago

    The only way to make sure that cat will not walk over your keyboard while working is to work in a cage. The second most effective way is to have them lie in your lap.

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    Chris Sherlock  almost 8 years ago

    Cats are attracted to keyboards for some reason. Perhaps the warmth they generate?

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  5. Botanical flower iris blue 554x1024
    BlueIris Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    :) I have a cat bed on my desk just to the left of the monitor. Cat jumps up on desk to the left, steps into bed, and curls up and falls asleep.

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