Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for July 11, 2011

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    Edcole1961  over 13 years ago

    Sounds like Flo should have left it on the TV.

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    EarlWash  over 13 years ago

    Sounds like burnt offerings.

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    adubman  over 13 years ago

    I smell a fish in Nottingham!

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    lewisbower  over 13 years ago

    Do you really think our noble Andy would lower himself to woman’s work? Would Flo (or the lads at the pub) respect him if he did?

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    pcolli  over 13 years ago

    He just fancied a pie with his pint.

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    Dkram  over 13 years ago

    Col. Potter on MASH said of Squid (Octopus) “I don’t eat anything that clings to the plate.”


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    Sandfan  over 13 years ago

    For those of you who are always banging on Andy for spending all his time at the pub, “squid in ink” should explain a lot.

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    kab2rb  over 13 years ago

    Flo I would not eat it. Yuk!

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    jtviper7  over 13 years ago

    Poor, poor Andy He comes home in a great mood after a hard practice of football to a crap dinner.

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    Cuddleman  over 13 years ago

    I don’t blame him for sneaking back out.

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    Number Three  over 13 years ago

    You Go Flo!

    But surely he would prefer that instead of one of your mam’s recipes. At least it wouldn’t be “Defrosted”

    Hehehehehehehe xxxx

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    JoePhan  over 13 years ago

    Squid in ink is great, if it’s done right. Of course, this is Flo we’re talking about here.

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    jpozenel  over 13 years ago

    Look at how Andy is happily whistling in the first panel. Is it any wonder that he tries to make a break for it?

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    the denominator  over 13 years ago

    in ink? squid i could take…but in INK??

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    trekkermint  over 13 years ago

    did not know that about rover

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    Skyhawk_maintainer  over 13 years ago

    When Dad’s unit was about to exit their landing craft, they were issued the wrong ammunition. Fortunately the island had been taken and held by the British. Unfortunately the island had been taken and held by the British, as none of the Americans could eat British food. They ended up eating coconut, banana and breadfruit, which was edible, but they came down with malnutrition.

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    natureboyfig4 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Calamari and shrimp both? Man, Andy hit the jackpot. That sounds like a great lunch! :-)

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