Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for February 24, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 4 years ago

    should’ve kept your mouth shut on that remark, Tommy

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    AFFICIONADO  almost 4 years ago

    @Number Three Today’s strip IS funny our HERO Mr Andrew Capp"s pride at being a subject for a painting by a novice painter Tommy quickly turns to anger when his honker is mentioned ( won’t say hooter because of our American friends :o)) my avatar is a signboard with a message by the marines that it is up to God to judge terrorists , but they are quite happy to arrange a meeting , good luck to these heroes for making it safe for us , how was your day and you can keep on commenting because the day I won’t post will be because I am in a deep coma or six feet under :o) our day should be busy but calm shopping done by me and we both are in a good mood and Bella is growing fat ,keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady

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  3. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  almost 4 years ago

    The truth hurts Andy. It’s not his fault you have rhinophyma…on the bright side, you can play Rudolph next year at Christmas!

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    rshive  almost 4 years ago

    “Honesty” in art is sometimes overrated.

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  5. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  almost 4 years ago

    Just go on until you reach the shade of red you want.

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    pcolli  almost 4 years ago

    Now it’s Flo’s turn….

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    littlejohn Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Perhaps Jack should have a saw dusted corner just for fights. Then he could charge for admissions to watch.

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    petermerck  almost 4 years ago

    And black and blue for Tommy’s self portrait.

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    WLG12037  almost 4 years ago

    “Is that your nose, or are you eating a tomato?”

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  10. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  almost 4 years ago

    … ask, and it shall be given.

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  11. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  almost 4 years ago

    Nice beret launch. Now we need at least one shoe and perhaps a jacket flying across the room.

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    Cincoflex  almost 4 years ago

    And now he’s taken up boxing . . .

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    raybarb44  almost 4 years ago

    Will your blood suffice?…..

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    Buckeye67  almost 4 years ago

    Andy should be proud of his red nose, it was well earned.

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    tcayer  almost 4 years ago

    And now black for the eye…

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  16. Donna
    stillfickled Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I think I’m going to give up on reading “Andy Capp” comments. Too much domination.

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  17. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 4 years ago

    Don’t forget the red paint for the blood coming out of his nose as well.


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  18. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 4 years ago


    Just received some sad news not long ago. My Auntie’s best friend whom she had known for years and worked with has passed away from COVID.

    However she broke the rules and still met up with her family because she said in her own words “They’re not keeping me in”

    She has paid the ultimate price. If only she had waited a few more months then her family would still have their mother, grandma and great-grandma. My Auntie warned her over and over to be careful.

    It’s a big shock. We went on the 2018 cruise to Norway with her and went to bingo together too. I’ve known her since I was little.

    I hope you are doing all right, Affie. Please stay safe for goodness sake. Love to cuddly Bella.

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    corpcasselbury  almost 4 years ago

    Tommy really should have known better than to say that.

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    tad1  almost 4 years ago

    Perhaps Tommy should switch to painting landscapes.

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  21. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 4 years ago

    Some extra black and blue will be needed as well.

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    The Pro from Dover  almost 4 years ago

    Biff, Bash I was drinkin’ in Bath.

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    paullp Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    “Don’t change the color of your face! I’m out of umber!”

    — Col. Potter to Major Winchester on M*A*S*H. Winchester poses for a portrait while he simultaneously (and vehemently) expresses his extreme dissatisfaction with being part of the unit.

    The life of an artist is never easy.

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  24. Aoh14gjt9zeoiqqyuzideqpaqb28cxe1jaanmfrci6h1=s96 c
    Chezhed  almost 4 years ago

    The truth, Andy

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