This story is winding down. Where would y’all like to go next? There was another Annie crossover story in Dick Tracy in 2015. However, that one turned out to be a “Honeymoon” story, with Annie just playing a supporting role. Or would y’all just prefer not to have any links for a while?
tripwire45 about 5 years ago
Not Santiago!
davidf42 about 5 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!
Today’s link:
davidf42 about 5 years ago
This story is winding down. Where would y’all like to go next? There was another Annie crossover story in Dick Tracy in 2015. However, that one turned out to be a “Honeymoon” story, with Annie just playing a supporting role. Or would y’all just prefer not to have any links for a while?
micromos about 5 years ago
How did she get so sick? She didn’t seem sick leaving N. KOREA.
cherns Premium Member about 5 years ago
Oooooh! The BLUE phone! (Is that supposed to mean anything to us?)