I enjoy putting the tree up each year but our extensive collection of ornaments are the exclusive provenance of my Janis. “Exclusive” to the extent that I don’t even know where they live the rest of the year. Nor am I allowed to hang any of them or, God forbid, move one when my final decoration step of laying on of the garland seems to require it. And my Janis treasured the “Provenance” to each decoration’s Who, What, When, Where and Why. Many years ago we retired our oversized tree and the many downsized handmade ornaments were returned to their creators. Hopefully, they each found a place on their own respective Christmas tree. I apologize for the length of my Comment. It seems I lack the ability to express myself as concisely as Mr. Johnson.
I enjoy putting the tree up each year but our extensive collection of ornaments are the exclusive provenance of my Janis. “Exclusive” to the extent that I don’t even know where they live the rest of the year. Nor am I allowed to hang any of them or, God forbid, move one when my final decoration step of laying on of the garland seems to require it. And my Janis treasured the “Provenance” to each decoration’s Who, What, When, Where and Why. Many years ago we retired our oversized tree and the many downsized handmade ornaments were returned to their creators. Hopefully, they each found a place on their own respective Christmas tree. I apologize for the length of my Comment. It seems I lack the ability to express myself as concisely as Mr. Johnson.