As Matthew waits patiently, while his bride of many years puts the final touches on her face; his mind travels through a small clear window in the recess of his memory; to an earlier time when frolic brought a smile to their faces. In those days they were having fun and going places. Matthew knows Shirley gets it, he’s sure she will turn the light on. It’s Friday night, stay steady and end strong.
margueritem over 12 years ago
Mathew, can’t you take part of the drapery cord for a tassel? That lamp shade needs just a bit more.
The Nihilist over 12 years ago
Such a glaring idea – I’ll avert my eyes now
DuHhozr over 12 years ago
Has he got anymore bright ideas?
Lefty2 over 12 years ago
As Matthew waits patiently, while his bride of many years puts the final touches on her face; his mind travels through a small clear window in the recess of his memory; to an earlier time when frolic brought a smile to their faces. In those days they were having fun and going places. Matthew knows Shirley gets it, he’s sure she will turn the light on. It’s Friday night, stay steady and end strong.
aejb over 12 years ago
Matthew you are the light !
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
what do you call the little thing that is on the table that holds the lamp shade on?
Stagger Lee over 12 years ago
A lamp shade on a dim bulb.
Larry Miller Premium Member over 12 years ago
^ His rheostat is just turned down for the evening.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Couldn’t wait for the party to start.
trekkermint over 12 years ago
don’t recognize that – all i can think of is something with stomach bypass or rhinoplasty (first thing i got on google)
trekkermint over 12 years ago
that rubber hose in nose thing
Tigressy over 2 years ago
Can’t wait for the next frame:
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.
Plods with ...™ over 2 years ago
Matthew been taking lessons from Uncle Fester?
Are we sure that’s not Lio’s commando cat?
Good morning Cleo phans!
I just can’t resist National Puppy Day sales.
Y’all have a great Wednesday! (((((HuGz!)))))
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 2 years ago
The light of knowledge used to burn beneath that lampshade. Alas, no more.