As your temporary (I hope!) acting Sheriff, I’d like to assure you all, not just Rose…
Larry leads a perfectly normal life…
well, OK, perhaps “perfectly” might be a bit strong, as a word choice for the situation…
But at least he doesn’t always inspire calls to the Sheriff’s Department.
But every so often…. especially when a warm Spring day reaches out to tug at the senses…
something comes over him.
Or I should say some clothing comes off of him….
Nonetheless… as I told Last Rose…. nudity and indecent exposure are strictly defined under the law…
Larry’s little whims do NOT qualify.
And in a county like this, with an elected Monkey sheriff and several animal peace officers…
all of whom have been known to sometimes go about more than shirtless…
we are understandably reluctant to over-prosecute.
As your temporary (I hope!) acting Sheriff, I’d like to assure you all, not just Rose…
Larry leads a perfectly normal life…
well, OK, perhaps “perfectly” might be a bit strong, as a word choice for the situation…
But at least he doesn’t always inspire calls to the Sheriff’s Department.
But every so often…. especially when a warm Spring day reaches out to tug at the senses…
something comes over him.
Or I should say some clothing comes off of him….
Nonetheless… as I told Last Rose…. nudity and indecent exposure are strictly defined under the law…
Larry’s little whims do NOT qualify.
And in a county like this, with an elected Monkey sheriff and several animal peace officers…
all of whom have been known to sometimes go about more than shirtless…
we are understandably reluctant to over-prosecute.