Barkeater Lake by Corey Pandolph for May 24, 2012
Allen: Ok... Once your fire's goin', you turn your damper way down for a nice, slow burning fire! Delores: Wow. I have to do all that everytime I want heat? Allen: Yup. Delores: Man. In the city, all I had to do was turn up the thermostat. Allen: Yer lucky. Mom Never let me touch the thermostat. It was always kept at 64. Allen: 'Blue lips ensure a tight ship' she would always say.
rshive over 12 years ago
Please tell us you have enough wood for all winter Delores. Before you end up on the front page again. You can either buy some from Chuck (or maybe Dew Drop); or you can use a saw, spelled S-A-W, to make your own.
thyasyn over 12 years ago
COREY, please continue the strip, don’t end it where you did the last rerun.