Do you suppose this young mean-spirited, self-absorbed, condescending, egotistical little smart-ass will ever grow up and accept others as equals, enjoy their contributions and celebrate all life as a gift? I submit she will not; look at our society now…..
I grew up eating (sort of liking) liver & onions. I even selected it for lunch in the cafeteria until I read that liver was high in cholesterol. I have never avoided dietary cholesterol in any other food, but I haven’t had liver & onions since.
dwane.scoty1 over 5 years ago
Any more culinary critiques there, Smarty Pants?
NoNameOntheBullet Premium Member over 5 years ago
Do you suppose this young mean-spirited, self-absorbed, condescending, egotistical little smart-ass will ever grow up and accept others as equals, enjoy their contributions and celebrate all life as a gift? I submit she will not; look at our society now…..
LKrueger41 over 5 years ago
I grew up eating (sort of liking) liver & onions. I even selected it for lunch in the cafeteria until I read that liver was high in cholesterol. I have never avoided dietary cholesterol in any other food, but I haven’t had liver & onions since.
AMBER1 over 5 years ago
Lucky for you Cynthia, she did not serve you any lima beans to go with your liver and onions. Or has she? ;)