Our cat sheds her own weight in fur about every 6 hours. We know what goes into her food bowl (input). We know what goes into her litter box (output 1). We know how much fur winds up in the vacuum bag (output 2). The equations do not balance. Output 1 + Output 2 > Input.
The cat is obviously accumulating extra mass by means other than its food bowl. Our conclusion is that the cat is capable of photosynthesis.
Either that, or she’s borrowing mass from whatever dimension she came from. It’s that dimension she sees when she stares at a blank wall. I got down beside her once and she looked at me as much to say, “Get your own wall, biped!” We all know that purring is telemetry back to the mother ship.
Quantum Leaper over 10 years ago
Is he a dog (wolf) or a Cat?
friarwilliam over 10 years ago
to Quantum Leaper i remember distinctively that it is supposed to be a wolf but i may be wrong. i have been reading it as a wolf
Karaboo2 over 10 years ago
Hair of the Dog.
dflak over 10 years ago
Our cat sheds her own weight in fur about every 6 hours. We know what goes into her food bowl (input). We know what goes into her litter box (output 1). We know how much fur winds up in the vacuum bag (output 2). The equations do not balance. Output 1 + Output 2 > Input.
The cat is obviously accumulating extra mass by means other than its food bowl. Our conclusion is that the cat is capable of photosynthesis.
Either that, or she’s borrowing mass from whatever dimension she came from. It’s that dimension she sees when she stares at a blank wall. I got down beside her once and she looked at me as much to say, “Get your own wall, biped!” We all know that purring is telemetry back to the mother ship.
gnatXXsum over 10 years ago
Are you all sure Wolfie didn;t run into a briar patch somewhere? That looks like a lot of over reaction for just a wad of hair.