If meat is meat, why do they say that pork is red meat, from mammals, while they say turkey is white meat like birds or fish that don’t have red blood?
No problems here. We eat meat only on very rare occations. If so only one from local butchers, not from the big slaughterhouses. And only organic meat. So too expensive most of the time. But that’s no problem. We anyway don’t really have a clue how to cook it propperly.
angelolady Premium Member about 12 hours ago
Better get back to the bear cave. Snake is probably still there.
oldthang about 11 hours ago
Didn’t have any meal substitutes back then, huh!
hariseldon59 about 11 hours ago
Or eat vegans.
BigDaveGlass about 10 hours ago
Gathering roots and berries again.
Q4horse about 7 hours ago
There is also beef, pheasant, goose, duck, and lamb.
Gent about 6 hours ago
Comes to me bear cave. You be safe in here see.
Now where did me puts that recipe book…
rdav1248961 Premium Member about 6 hours ago
I care. I do not eat pork for religious reasons.
Gandalf about 5 hours ago
A good smoked ham!
Gameguy49 Premium Member about 5 hours ago
There isn’t enough encouragement in the whole world to get me to eat vegan.
kaycstamper about 5 hours ago
I vote for pulled pork!
dcdete. about 5 hours ago
If meat is meat, why do they say that pork is red meat, from mammals, while they say turkey is white meat like birds or fish that don’t have red blood?
silberdistel about 5 hours ago
No problems here. We eat meat only on very rare occations. If so only one from local butchers, not from the big slaughterhouses. And only organic meat. So too expensive most of the time. But that’s no problem. We anyway don’t really have a clue how to cook it propperly.
VKent about 4 hours ago
My Grandfather used to say, Ham, ram, lamb, sheep or mutton.
"It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member about 4 hours ago
Instead they want us to eat more heavily processed foods made primarily from soy. Loaded with salts, preservatives, and nastiness.
That being said, the modern commercial animal slaughtering and harvesting system is pretty freaking disgusting too.
ladykat about 4 hours ago
Food is food, unless it’s inedible.
Teto85 Premium Member about 4 hours ago
Just the two of us this year. So probably pheasant or chicken.
mindjob about 4 hours ago
You can always spot the vegans; they’re the ones with the signs proclaiming it
pripley about 3 hours ago
I like the animal artwork.
rockyridge1977 about 3 hours ago
Daltongang Premium Member about 3 hours ago
To paraphrase one of the ending lines from the Movie Trading Places:
“Can’t we have both?”
“Why Not.”
“Looking Good Billy Ray.”
“Feeling Good Lewis.”
Godfreydaniel about 3 hours ago
Only really primitive people think “meat is meat”…..never mind.
Sir Isaac about 2 hours ago
On May 1, 2024, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB 1084, banning the manufacture, sale, or distribution of cultivated meat in Florida.
zeexenon 26 minutes ago
Simplified version:
At three, I started Hebrew school. At ten, I learned a trade.I hear they’ve picked a bride for me. I hope she’s pretty.
The son, the son! Tradition!The son, the son! Tradition!
DKHenderson 14 minutes ago
Oynque could always claim to be a cat; I notice that it’s walking like one. (Or a giraffe or a camel, but those are rather tall animals.)