Lucky people. Around here we’ve been looking at Christmas stuff since Labor Day. I know that many of the major stores at the mall were selling Christmas decorations with at least one department gussied up since then.
So is this strip about how they start advertising Christmas stuff even before Thanksgiving? Not sure why the turkey would go with him when he’s probably just going to eat it.
That’s Tom Turkey, the manifestion of the spirit of Thanksgiving! He doesn’t mind being eaten, because he knows it’s not permanent; he’s reborn every November from the memories of warm, family gatherings, satisfied stomachs, and the bones of his picked apart carcass from the previous year. You throw the remains in a midden heap, say a prayer over them, and that helps to ensure his continual renewal. Really, no one else was told this story as a child? My ex’s Pisan-born mother used to serve rabbit at Easter and say they were eating the Easter Bunny. Same deal.
teardroprain about 12 years ago
Reminds me of what Nordstrom is doing.
Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago
Ooh, right in the giblets.
djsabc about 12 years ago
Around here Christmas came out after Halloween. The seasons are fading fast.
Dragon0131 about 12 years ago
Lucky people. Around here we’ve been looking at Christmas stuff since Labor Day. I know that many of the major stores at the mall were selling Christmas decorations with at least one department gussied up since then.
ewalnut about 12 years ago
So is this strip about how they start advertising Christmas stuff even before Thanksgiving? Not sure why the turkey would go with him when he’s probably just going to eat it.
mrsullenbeauty about 12 years ago
That’s Tom Turkey, the manifestion of the spirit of Thanksgiving! He doesn’t mind being eaten, because he knows it’s not permanent; he’s reborn every November from the memories of warm, family gatherings, satisfied stomachs, and the bones of his picked apart carcass from the previous year. You throw the remains in a midden heap, say a prayer over them, and that helps to ensure his continual renewal. Really, no one else was told this story as a child? My ex’s Pisan-born mother used to serve rabbit at Easter and say they were eating the Easter Bunny. Same deal.
starlilies about 12 years ago
Love it! I feel the same way – can we just give thanks FIRST before the hubbub of holiday sales? Especially since Thanksgiving come first anyway?
ewalnut about 12 years ago
I never heard either of those stories, Jojo. Thanks for the explanation.