Yes. It’s a play on influencer, an odious entity of the class Bloggus-vloggus, that infects the Internet. They can often be found invading hotels and restaurants, not so subtly announcing that they do reviews on such and such web sites and therefore expect a discount or a free meal, lest they nail the business with a negative review in reprisal and will post a good review if they get the freebee. Remember that, next time are using reviews to pick a restaurant.
Nathan Daniels almost 6 years ago
Is this a pun on “Influencer”? Do I need a British accent to make it work?
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 6 years ago
If you catch his disease, he’ll hit you up for a free meal.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Yes. It’s a play on influencer, an odious entity of the class Bloggus-vloggus, that infects the Internet. They can often be found invading hotels and restaurants, not so subtly announcing that they do reviews on such and such web sites and therefore expect a discount or a free meal, lest they nail the business with a negative review in reprisal and will post a good review if they get the freebee. Remember that, next time are using reviews to pick a restaurant.
BubbleTape Premium Member almost 6 years ago
and apparently has nike sponsorship. just flu it.
Ambydextrous over 5 years ago
Mother of Cats Premium Member over 5 years ago
Is this strip ever going to up-date again?
CCRock Premium Member over 5 years ago
Where did you go? Please come back! This work is amazing.