Now, the real trick’s going to be skewering her old boss without catching Alex in the fallout. After all, it’s not like Alex had any input into the decision to let Betty go, she was just hired by a cowardly boss to be the messenger.
Betty’s true creative writing skills will now blossom. Otherwise known as how to tell the truth, vent your anger, and skewer someone with taste and grace.
Plods with ...™ about 12 years ago
This will get good.
Mozza54 about 12 years ago
This is well written…love the pace and the tension. Go Gary & Gerry
avshopping about 12 years ago
I agree, Mozza!
Amalagam Premium Member about 12 years ago
I would love to be reading her blog at this moment!
alc7 Premium Member about 12 years ago
Sweet !
Dawn Premium Member about 12 years ago
Oh boy!
llong65 about 12 years ago
it would be fitting if Brian buys out her company and puts Betty in charge of it!!!!!
JoePhan about 12 years ago
Now, the real trick’s going to be skewering her old boss without catching Alex in the fallout. After all, it’s not like Alex had any input into the decision to let Betty go, she was just hired by a cowardly boss to be the messenger.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago
Betty is still angry at Alex for firing her.
Hunter7 about 12 years ago
Betty’s true creative writing skills will now blossom. Otherwise known as how to tell the truth, vent your anger, and skewer someone with taste and grace.
Jean_1960 about 12 years ago
Oh, this is great.