Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for February 24, 2000
"All great free-throw shooters have a routine! Myself, I bounce the ball five times..." "I wipe my left hand on my shorts... I wipe my right hand on my shorts... I take three deep breaths..." "Then I repeat the same phrase to myself exactly seventeen times. No more, no less." "I am awesome. I am awesome. I am awesome. I am-" "Sometime today, kid."
bignatesbiggestfan12 about 12 years ago
Just keep telling yourself that nate
TheNewComicGuy over 8 years ago
A good system.
AnnabethChase18 over 7 years ago
Warning: The parents are going to start yelling!
Arcery almost 4 years ago
Let’s hope you end up at least half as good as Shaq
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) almost 4 years ago
Happy 21st birthday to this comic!
Otatop over 3 years ago
Not true
sansdm about 3 years ago
Giannis is proud nate
coolman almost 2 years ago
I Bounce six times Run puke fall backwards and just like that I’ve passed out What do you do
Ayyyyyyy over 1 year ago
I thought u had to shoot within 10 seconds on a free throw