"It's raining." "Raining? It was supposed to be snow!" "Wink Sumers predicted snow! Another blown forecast." beepbeepboopbeepboopbeepbeeo "Not may eleven yaer-olds have the local meteorologist on speed dial." "No, I don't want his voice mail!"
Tater over 10 years ago
Come ON, Nate! Meteorologists can’t ALWAYS be right!
wonkmaster almost 8 years ago
He’s obsessed with Wink.
KadainSmith over 4 years ago
Well, nate is an unusual 11 y o
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) almost 4 years ago
if you read the beep boop beep fast, its like music
sansdm 4 months ago
ngl this strip has made me laugh everytime I comeback to it