Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 12, 2007

  1. 9441430c 0de2 44c0 8439 3bb514abfe2f
    Jansen  over 7 years ago

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  2. Chad
    Chad Applewhite  almost 7 years ago

    There’s a poster of a shirtless guy, a magnet or a sticker with a heart on it, and a piece of paper that says “girl power”…how did Nate get into sixth grade?

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  3. Lollipop oola la lollipop
    Briidget  over 6 years ago

    how did he even get into that girl’s locker?

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  4. Aaa85595 d724 4168 9763 2cfa1d3ba91a
    Bahadurshah  over 4 years ago

    Introducing the world’s most clueless detective: NATE WRIGHT

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