Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 11, 2007
"Dad, what are you doing?" "Carbo loading!" MUNCH SLURP "According to all the articles, nothing beats a big plate of pasta for a pre-race meal!" "You're supposed to carbo load the night before you run!!" "Oh." "It's 7:00am, Dad. Your race starts in an hour." "Exactly. So I'm trying to eat fast." NARF NARF
Sonicx79 almost 11 years ago
Person To eat a taco
jamesdabawse over 8 years ago
wonkmaster almost 8 years ago
He’s gonna die.
ImTheRealDirtyDan over 7 years ago
liamdude5. over 4 years ago
Guess I know where Michael Scott got his advice for his 5k.
Arcery about 4 years ago
He won’t be able to run the first 100 feet if he keeps that up.
chibi-usa tsukino about 4 years ago
why’s the pasta black?
ᏕᕱuᏒԾภ Ϯ♅ꂅ ภꂅ꒝ᏒԾოᕱภ꒝ꂅᏒ✔️ almost 4 years ago
At this rate, if he survives he will come back when humanity goes extinct
Marcus knuckle head goode almost 4 years ago
I wonder how martin is going to look like in 30 years
DankDreams over 3 years ago
i was born today
Aero 64 over 3 years ago
This comic came out the day I was born.