Knock, knock! Who's there? Tell a Joke Day!
by GoComicsWe'll cut to the punch line: It's Tell a Joke Day. Prepare for laughter!
It's a good day for comic lovers because, well, we all love humor! We know that little else beats a well-delivered joke. But not everyone can appreciate such a craft. It's not your fault if your peers can't appreciate your joking nature "...
We all know the sheer pain of being around a person who doesn't have a funny fiber in their body - even when the opportunity smacks them in the face "... or foot.
And there's always pressure to be funny around people you don't know well. First day of school, first day on the job, an exchange with the lady at the grocery check-out line, or even a blind date.
Ouch. May we vow never to try too hard.
Other than that, there shouldn't be too many rules to telling jokes. You are even free to make jokes on subjects you have no experience with.
Today we encourage you to go forth and joke! Make people laugh, or laugh at yourself. If you're not the best at telling jokes, the Internet is full of them. Google can help - comics, too!
Happy Tell a Joke Day!