Self-Improvement Month: Stay Inspired This September
by GoComicsFor those looking to embrace Self-Improvement Month, we advise you to dash over to one of the most inspirational, motivational and educational features GoComics has to offer:
Cartoon quotes from inspirational folks! Zen Pencils is an exciting and unique new comic that takes inspirational and famous quotes and adapts them into cartoon stories. From icons like Einstein, Gandhi and Twain to modern-day philosophers, comedians and writers - their words are turned into heartwarming stories by cartoonist Gavin Aung Than.
The perfect, peaceful start to your week, Zen Pencils updates with new wisdom every Monday, repeatedly reminding you:
To pursue your dreams:
Never let your thirst for adventure be quenched:
And that the key to finding happiness is to not go looking for it:
For more self-improvement inspiration, read Zen Pencils every week on GoComics.