Mustard and Boloney by Jeffrey Caulfield and Alexandre Rouillard
by GoComicsMaster chefs Jeffrey Caulfield (Mustard) and Alexandre Rouillard (Boloney), are pleased to bring you a tasty, humorous unreality sandwich; one low in calories, rich in protein and guaranteed to fill the stomach -- sans indigestion. Plus, no extra salt or preservatives added! Included as always with our comedic entrees is a large side order of irreverence, and all manner of situations and subjects are drawn upon to create the delicious a-ha moment. Thinking outside the icebox is definitely mandatory, and some panels may cause you to stand on your -- or someone else's -- head and think, "So, that's what it all means." As Jack Kerouac wrote, in the 190th chorus of his 242-chorus opus "Mexico City Blues": "No matter how you cut it, it's empty delightful boloney." Beefsteak we are not! When hungry for humor, please visit our diner every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. We'll always have something on the menu for you. Bon appetit!