The Whims Of A Hoary Marmot Control Our Destiny In These Groundhog Day Comics
by Caleb GoellnerPunxsutawney Phil is at least 130 years old this year!*
That's older than most of the humans who routinely lie about their age for attention! Normal groundhogs barely live a tenth that long. Color us impressed.
Ever since Groundhog Day kicked off in 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, ol' Phil has been giving people an excuse to exercise magical thinking instead of listening to weather predictions based on scientific practices. And honestly? We prefer it. What's science done for us lately?
Like any good meteorologist of his approximate weight and volume, Phil is chill if the sky is cloudy. It puts him in the mood to bestow winter relief, with spring starting before March 20th. If it's sunny, he panics at the sight of his shadow -- Phil is wise and rejects the physical manifestation of his thinly suppressed dark nature -- and winter lasts six weeks longer than the calendar tells us it should. Seasonal affective? More like seasonal effective.
Come to think of it, this guy's got a lot of power for a hoary marmot. Perhaps he's an elemental in a furry, corporeal form? I mean, has anybody checked in on the Greek Horae lately? Hoary? Horae? We see what's going on here.
Ponder the Greek pantheon's evolution with these Groundhog Day strips. And may spring spring eternal.
Off the Mark by Mark Parisi Feb 2, 2009
Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller Feb 2, 2005
Drabble by Kevin Fagan Feb 2, 2016
Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce Feb 2, 2014
The Grizzwells by Bill Schorr Jan 29, 2003
Off the Mark by Mark Parisi Feb 2, 2011
The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom Feb 2, 2012
Frazz by Jef Mallett Feb 2, 2007
Peanuts by Charles Schulz Feb 2, 1981
Kit 'N' Carlyle by Larry Wright Feb 2, 2011
Adam@Home by Rob Harrell Feb 28, 2010
*Punxsutawney Phil is a character name played by several different Groundhogs who are not 130 years old... as far as we know...
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