Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for March 01, 2017

  1. Godzilla  i of the storm by adiraiju d4r0ysf
    Adiraiju  almost 8 years ago

    He gets to watch TV all day and whine about it? Poor fella was around thirty years too soon!

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 8 years ago

    Otis, you two-faced old hypocrite, what if the network were to deliver an all-G rated lineup? (I know, that is hardly likely, but this is a hypothetical question for Crusader Oracle….)

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  3. Images
    Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Like the moral majority committee repeatedly watching porn movies because “we need to know what we’re dealing with.”

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  4. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  almost 8 years ago

    I learned the meaning behind the term scumbag from one of these holier-than-everyone media watchdogs. They can be useful for something after all.

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  5. Img 0429
    siamese Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Stan Freberg’s Elderly Man River comes to mind.

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