This Great Nation was Founded by Liberals and based on Liberal principles, Liberal Ideals and Liberal values.conservatives opposed our independence in 1774. conservatives opposed our constitution. conservatives quit the U.S. in 1860. conservatives invaded, made war and killed U.S. soldiers from 1861 to 1865. A conservative killed Lincoln. Every Republican/conservative president since 1929 has had a depression or recession, some had two. The only president to resign his office in disgrace of being a crook was a conservative. conservatives opposed women’s right to vote. conservatives opposed, and still oppose, social security and Medicare. The only violent transition of power came in 2021 supported by conservatives and led by the fascist insurrectionist tRump. conservatives still defend and support him and his insurrection.
conservatives are the enemy of the United States of America, and have been since 1774.
paulbbott1629 2 days ago
“I said, now, watch what you say, they’ll be calling you a radicalA liberal, oh, fanatical, criminal”
The dude from FL Premium Member 2 days ago
The republican un-american tendencies committee? Hard to grasp!
Izzy Moreno 2 days ago
I used to like liberals. Turns out they’re the same as everybody else, forcing their views on you, whether you like them, or not.
Petty little tyrants, one and all.
[Unnamed Reader - dd3817] 2 days ago
I hope you’re not one of those folks who insist on “protecting” women & Christianitywhether the rest of us like it or not.
prairiedogdance Premium Member 2 days ago
Back when this used to be a joke in the funny pages we could all laugh at, and not an actual threat…
erik.vanthienen 2 days ago
No wonder that republicans only want foreign wars if there is a profit to be made. They’re always too busy waging war on the majority of Americans.
ncorgbl 2 days ago
This Great Nation was Founded by Liberals and based on Liberal principles, Liberal Ideals and Liberal values.conservatives opposed our independence in 1774. conservatives opposed our constitution. conservatives quit the U.S. in 1860. conservatives invaded, made war and killed U.S. soldiers from 1861 to 1865. A conservative killed Lincoln. Every Republican/conservative president since 1929 has had a depression or recession, some had two. The only president to resign his office in disgrace of being a crook was a conservative. conservatives opposed women’s right to vote. conservatives opposed, and still oppose, social security and Medicare. The only violent transition of power came in 2021 supported by conservatives and led by the fascist insurrectionist tRump. conservatives still defend and support him and his insurrection.
conservatives are the enemy of the United States of America, and have been since 1774.
mindjob 2 days ago
Too bad liberals have been destroyed by leftists, but they had a good run
FRITH RA 2 days ago
I still like Conservatives, at least some of them, even though they insist that their view is right and thus others are wrong.
Thing is, sometimes they are, sometimes they ain’t, and nobody ever seems to see where the balance is.
jvscanlan Premium Member 2 days ago
sadly, things never change
Arghhgarrr Premium Member 1 day ago
But Jessica Rabbit always kept her shape.
eddi-TBH 1 day ago
Trump missed this one. Bring back HUAC.
mistercatworks about 16 hours ago
Sorry, being a liberal or a conservative is not a crime. There are degrees in all things and tarring people with the same brush is foolish.