Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for December 21, 2024

  1. Grandbudapesthotel cr alamy
    Imagine  about 12 hours ago

    Too bad…

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    angelolady Premium Member about 12 hours ago

    I was waiting for this one.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    Shortly before Christmas, 1995:

    I am taking a plane from Monterey, CA to LAX where I will fly to Newark, and then onto Bangor, Maine.

    Our flight from Monterey has to wait and wait and wait … before we can get to a spot to disembark. The attendants know that my flight is leaving real soon, and have contacted the flight I must catch. Finally, we can disembark and I must do my OJ Simpson dash to the departure gate. I board the plane, and am directed to the rear. Being eyed by most of the passengers who are wondering why this doofus is so late…

    I am directed to the last row, where 3 empty seats await me! Woo hoo! I will be able to lay down! This lasts for a short time after we have reached altitude. Then one of the flight attendants asks me if this gentleman (standing behind her) can sit here because someone has been harassing him. He looks innocuous but I am thinking, “What did he do that prompted this?” Well, I agree, and he takes the aisle seat.

    I basically ignore him for the entire flight. I do however, see him looking over at me from time to time. More reason to ignore him.

    Toward the end of the flight he is chatting a lot with the attendants, and it seems maybe they know him. I continue to ignore him.

    After I reached my destination, being on West Coast time, I was flpping through TV stations when I suddenly saw the guy from the plane.

    It was Geraldo Rivera. I had a good chuckle, realizing I now knew why someone was harassing him, and why he had been looking over at me, who was ignoring the TV star. I thought that, though accidental through ignorance, my ignoring him was better than verbally harassing him.

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    asmbeers  about 6 hours ago

    Not too far from the truth.

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  5. Opus   bill
    DW Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    Same thing…

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  6. Apollo 11 launch 04
    Steverino Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    If you tried that with a palmetto bug, it would lift your feet and carry you off.

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    More Coffee Please! Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    Don’t apologize, Geraldo deserves it!

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    Bruce1253  about 4 hours ago

    I’m not sure he cares. I saw a profile of him several years ago. He as enough money and likes boats so he goes cruising on the inland waterway up and down the east coast.

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  9. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 4 hours ago

    So was this strip before or after Al Capone’s vault?

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    win.45mag  about 3 hours ago

    These days, it’s, " CROOKED JOE !!!"

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    PoppaBob Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    Hey, Mr. Rivera, you got your name mentioned in the newspaper … in the comics section!! Have an nice day!!!

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  12. Bill murray drink
    Eric S   about 1 hour ago

    No you’re not. and he’s worse than a cockroach.

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  13. Hammy
    TMMILLER Premium Member about 1 hour ago

    That wasn’t poor Milquetoast was it?

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