The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 18, 1999
Principal: Great, Mrs. Dubois, thanks for clearing that up. So your husband is an African-American. Let me guess. Is he a pro-athlete? Sara: Excuse me? Are you assuming that because he's black? Principal: No offense, Mrs. Dubois. I thought it was a widely accepted fact that black pro athletes prefer white women, so I just figured - Sara: My husband is an attorney, Principal Williams, and I'm not sure I appreciate your comments. Principal: I'm sorry if I offended you, Ma'am. But between you and me - I bet he played ball in college, didn't he? Sara: Well, yes, but - Hey!!! What does this have to do with Jazmine?!
Laalfasso over 3 years ago
he must’ve been good he’s not dat tall or bigbody
J. Cole about 1 year ago
OBJECTIVE: Leave Crestwood