Jazmine: My tooth is loose. When it comes out, the tooth fairy will leave me a dollar. Huey: Jazmine, there is no tooth fairy. Storks don't deliver babies, the invasion of Iraq was illegal, and Jesus wasn't white. Jazmine: No tooth fairy?!
mango-chan over 14 years ago
Jazmine’s so cute ^^
comics04 almost 14 years ago
In the words of C. Montgomery Burns, “My God, are you ALWAYS on,” Huey?
I added the ‘Huey’ myself!
GameWhiz16 over 13 years ago
Haha. Now I see where The Boondocks episode “The Real” got that scene with Huey and Jazmine on the Tooth Fairy from
overlived almost 13 years ago
i see you like to ruin other peoples delusions…i admire that..its thankless work…hahahaha, a favorite line from the show