The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for August 13, 2013

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    kittenpah  over 11 years ago

    Being a grandparent raising kids gives you a whole new opportunity to do the exact same things you did as a parent.

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  2. 08 01 15 11 20 pm
    krys723  over 11 years ago

    So close Granddad, so close

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    LOWRIDER84  over 11 years ago

    We took our kids to Key West one year on vacation. There is a LARGE gay presence there. We were walking down Duval St. and my six year old looked across the street where he spotted a guy wearing a pink bikini. The guy had long curly black hair. AND A MUSTACHE. My son looked at him, then looked at me. He said,“Dad, that girl has a mustache.” I told him that it was a man. He asked why a man was wearing a bikini. i told him that some men liked to kiss other men. He thought for a minute and muttered, “Gross.”I told him that was none of our business. He said guys kissing guys was as bad as guys kissing GIRLS!!!! Well, he WAS six years old, after all.

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