Bottom Liners by Eric and Bill Teitelbaum for February 15, 2024

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    drbee  11 months ago

    The GQP Strongly disagrees. Biden Tried to help, but the GQP obstructionists managed to kill it, as they are wont to do. They never want to Solve a problem; they much prefer to be able to just complain endlessly about it, instead.

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    Zykoic  10 months ago

    My daughter-in-law paid all her students loans back. Really irritates her that others don’t have to pay theirs. I worked while getting my degrees. My wife too. Our solace is that we have very practice degrees and professions.

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    Anters55  10 months ago

    Oh so you applied critical thinking which the professors did not agree and thus failed you, else tow the party line and pass. “Higher” education today is such a disgusting joke.

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  4. Eye.eye
    Oh Really?  10 months ago

    No one forces you to attend college…No one forces you to take a loan out to pay for school

    Get some responsibility- learn a trade, put some effort in, for starters put down that game controller and pick up a book

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    Doug K  10 months ago

    Or maybe he should pay a penalty taking time and space that could have been better used by/on someone else and not wasted on him.

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    bilbrlsn  10 months ago

    Well, the “flunked half my classes” says it is Trumptard and he didn’t have student debt. He didn’t even pay for the people who took his tests fro admittance.

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  7. Stinker
    cuzinron47  10 months ago

    So you should be rewarded for failure, that’s why you fail.

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  8. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 10 months ago

    What’s the problem, just American Capitalism in action.

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  9. Awatchdog 2
    Watchdog  10 months ago

    Went to class half-time, flunked half of the classes, and wants taxpayers to pay full price. Nope.

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    mistercatworks  10 months ago

    Even if you flunk ALL your classes, you owe.

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    lawguy05  10 months ago

    Why get the loans, AGREE to pay them back, and then ask the TAXPAYERS to pay them???? Liberal logic!

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  12. Black squirrel avatar
    Kirk Barnes Premium Member 10 months ago

    You ate the steak, you pay for the meal. The fact that you threw it up on your way out of the door is irrelevant.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 10 months ago

    Now there is a unique idea……

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    raybarb44  10 months ago

    Nice try Bozo. You entered into a contract. Man up and fulfill your obligation like you said that you would……

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  15. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 10 months ago

    You pay for the right to take classes, with the understanding that the class will be presented in a way that allows you to learn. If you don’t, and flunk, it can be because the class wasn’t taught prperly but is usually because you either weren’t able to learn the material ( and there can be many reasons including lack of suitable background knowledge) or didn’t put forth the effort necessary. The first scenario is the fault of the school and you shouldn’t have to pay for it. Everything else falls on you, although if it is because of a lack of background the situation gets complicated.

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  16. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  10 months ago

    instead of paying off existing loans (and p1ssing off the usual suspects), we might give some thought to funding university or vocational schooling universally, either in part or in full, in future in the thinking that equal and universal education would benefit everyone in the long run, both workers and employers who need qualified workers…

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  17. Eye.eye
    Oh Really?  10 months ago

    free has a perceived value – not worth much if you don’t pay for it

    A free education should be available on merit—-Scholarships and grants

    Agreeing to pay for a loan and then letting someone else pay it off is awarding irresponsibility

    Also Stop handing out awards for participation – competition is good- we learn when we win we learn when we lose

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